It’s kinda taken 12 years to get here.
I had every reason to think this would never happen.
But here it is: my debut novel: Hey Ma.
In the end, I decided to try self-publishing. Grab yourself a copy here on Amazon. Or contact me directly for a signed copy.
Hey Ma is step one on a path to telling a story that has been lurking in my head, slowly mutating, for at least twelve years. It’s back then that my buddy Conor and I would shoot the shit over coffee or Guinness around Belfast, dreaming up elements of what – so far – has finally manifested in this book. Back then, the seeds we planted could have grown into many different varieties of story. This is just one, I guess.
I finally started writing Hey Ma in earnest in March 2020, at the very moment Covid hit our part of the world. This was a coincidence. A fruitful one, in my case. But I’ll tell that story another time.
There is so much I want to say but I think I am supposed to stand back and let the book speak for itself. But it’s my first. I’m scared. I feel like an imposter. That’s normal, right? Either way, I’m listening. Your feedback could help direct the future of the Ma trilogy, and the wider Clade saga. I would appreciate it.